e Cotechino con Lingua

The Cotechino (large boiled

sausage) and Cotechino con

lingua (large boiled sausage

with tongue) are made using

rind, cheeks and lean meats

selected exclusively from

Italian pigs.

The blend is salted, spiced

and stuffed into a natural

casing. They are usually

served during the winter

months, particularly during

the Christmas period.

They do not contain

milk by-products and

are gluten-free.

SALUMIFICIO PIOVESAN s.r.l. Via Cal Lusent, 55 - 31040 Pederobba (TV) ITALIA - C.F./P. IVA/R.I. TV-BL 03006060267 - TEL. +39 0423 688718 -
Capitale Sociale Euro 50.000,00 i.v.

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