Salsiccia Trevigiana
and Salamella Grill

The Salsiccia Trevigiana

(sausage) and Salamella Grill

(BBQ sausage) are made

using exclusively carefully

selected Italian pork meat.

The freshness of the meat

combined with the skilled

manual expertise ensure a

true delicacy.

The sausages are ideal for

BBQs or for delicious skewers.

They do not contain

milk by-products and

are gluten-free.

SALUMIFICIO PIOVESAN s.r.l. Via Cal Lusent, 55 - 31040 Pederobba (TV) ITALIA - C.F./P. IVA/R.I. TV-BL 03006060267 - TEL. +39 0423 688718 -
Capitale Sociale Euro 50.000,00 i.v.

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